
Together with NGO AGATA, we have launched a new project entitled “Soundscapes” which will last throughout this academic year. Composers, sound artists, anthropologists and musicians will invite pupils of all ages to explore sound and their sonic environment. Focusing on sound will help to discover new and forgotten local stories, to learn to pay attention and listen to what we often fail to hear, and to build a relationship with nature and people around us. Finally, by listening to others, the pupils will experience what it means to listen to themselves.

During the project, the pupils will get a chance to create various sound works together with the invited creators, such as sound installations, instruments, sound maps, sound stories, musical pieces, etc. In April and May, those will be presented to the public in various spaces in cooperation with local cultural institutions. Teachers will also be actively involved in the project activities, working together with the artists and creators to organise integrated lessons in physics, art, biology, music, history, etc.

The main objective of the project is to empower teachers and pupils to look at phenomena from an artistic and scientific perspective, thus developing their creativity and critical thinking competences. The exploration of sonic phenomena will act as a method for integrated experiential education.

The project will be implemented from October to May of this academic year, during which the artists and creators will spend around 90 academic hours in the selected schools. In addition to the ongoing creative work, the pupils will also have one-off lectures and meetings with renowned music artists, copyright experts and other professionals. During the final event of the project, a special Soundscapes Toolkit will be launched and made available to everyone interested.

Schools involved in the project:

  • Eržvilkas Gymnasium, Jurbarkas District
  • Klaipėda “Varpas” Gymnasium
  • Krinčinas Antanas Vienažindis Progymnasium, Pasvalys district
  • Radviliškis Lizdeika Gymnasium
  • Gelgaudiškis Lower Secondary School, Šakiai District
  • Visaginas “Gerosios vilties” Progymnasium
  • Alytus Vidzgiris Progymnasium

The project “Soundscapes” is implemented as part of a larger project “Modernisation of the Cultural Education System” organised by the Martynas Mažvydas National Library of Lithuania.

Kotryna Kraynaitė
+370 653 66 804

Photos credit: Jonas Šopa.