From July 1st to July 30th, a non-traditional exhibition space welcomes “Not Only Eyes: Lust,” an art show of moving images by students of two Lithuanian art schools.
Created by students of the Department of Photography, Animation and Media Art of the Vilnius Academy of Arts and the Department of Film and Television of the Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre, the works of various forms and genres (video art, sculptures, installations, texts, research, films, etc.) share the desire to know and understand the multi-layered, complex reality, and also the lust to respond to the intense rhythm of the outside world.
The primary idea of the exhibition was to initiate an exchange between the two Lithuanian art schools, in which different forms of moving images and the directions of their study would unfold.
Set in non-residential apartments located in the same building (A. Goštauto st. 2) as Meno Avilys, Sinemateka, and the Skalvija Cinema Center, the exhibition is an exploration of the interrelationships between non-traditional home spaces and works selected for the display. In this way, “Not Only Eyes: Lust” has become an engaging cinematic experience that reveals the links and differences between the cinematic traditions of the two academies.
NFORMATION FOR VISITORS | The exhibition is on display until July 30th, Monday–Wednesday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Before visiting, please call +370 604 76 298. The art show opens on July 1st, at 6 p.m.
The exhibition “Not Only Eyes: Lust” was created as a collective process, the aim of which is not only to explore the limits of the understanding and perception of the moving image but also present a new approach to the development of the local language of media and cinema. The exhibition was inspired by the activities of Meno avilys’ Sinemateka, the only specialized cinema and media venue in Lithuania that is open to the public. For more information on Sinemateka, visit
Organized by Meno avilys
Curator: Gerda PaliušytėArchitects: Gediminas G. Akstinas ir Antanas Gerlikas
Graphic designer: Vaida Gasiūnaitė
Artists: Viktorija Balkutė, Violeta Tvorogal, Salvijus Misevičius, Pijus Chraptavičius, Natalija Lokcikaitė, Matas Petkūnas, Margarita Valionytė, Kotryna Mauragytė, Julija Kuprijaškinaitė, Jokūbas Vaicekauskas, Ieva Akelaitytė, Greta Galiauskaitė, Evelina Bernatonytė, Eva Rodz, Diana Nakrevič, Dagnė Petkevičiūtė, Ainė Petkūnaitė; Adas Burkšaitis, Antanas Skridaila, Arnas Balčiūnas, Augustė Gerikaitė, Eglė Poškevičiūtė, Gantas Bendikas, Jokūbas Lapinskas, Jorūnė Greičiūtė, Laura Aliukonytė, Lina Margaitytė, Lukas Kacinauskas, Marius Krivičius, Matas Galdikas, Miglė Kriaučiūnaitė, Miglė Križinauskaitė-Bernotienė, Paulius Stankevičius, Rinaldas Tamoševičius, Rokas Šydeikis, Saulė Bliuvaitė, Silvestras Polinauskas, Urtė Sabutytė, Vytautas Plukas, Domas Petronis.
Partners: Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre, Vilnius Academy of Arts.
Thanks to Laura Stasiulytė, Vytautas Dambrauskas, Jurga Mačionytė and National Gallery of Art.
The activities of Meno avilys are funded by the Lithuanian Council for Culture.