ARMR is an educational copyright programme intended for Lithuanian schools. The programme aims to promote the protection of copyright and neighbouring rights as well as to foster intolerance for unauthorised use of works in schools. This is sought by integrating these topics into the educational process and raising the qualifications of teachers. Within the programme, copyright specialists, the project team and teachers – as ambassadors of the programme – have collaborated to develop a set of methods for teaching 5-12th grade pupils about copyright.
Since the beginning of the programme in 2019, we have been working with Lithuanian teachers and specialists in copyright, non-formal education and media education, looking for the most suitable and efficient ways to integrate copyright into the educational process. The results of this cooperation include 11 teachers having received further training in copyright, and a newly developed set of teaching methods on copyright to be used with 5-12th grade pupils. The development of the method set has been a bottom-up process: first, teachers – as ambassadors of the programme – were consulted on what kind of method set they would find appealing to use, and only then were the teaching tools developed.
We recommend this method set to teachers of civics, ethics, Lithuanian language and literature, foreign languages, arts (music, art, theatre, photography, cinema, etc.) and IT, non-formal educators, librarians, and anyone interested in or looking to learn more about copyright. The set provides concise and easily understandable key information on copyright, exceptions, a list of legal platforms, 20 lesson ideas and an educational film introducing the basic rules of copyright.
ARMR Ambassadors:
Andželika Aleksandravičiūtė (Vilniaus Sofijos Kovalevskajos gimnazija)
Ingrida Bertulienė (Klaipėdos Vydūno gimnazija)
Arvydas Girdzijauskas (Klaipėdos Vydūno gimnazija)
Sigita Kalvaitienė (Vilniaus Salomėjos Nėries gimnazija)
Rytis Kopūstas (Vilniaus Salomėjos Nėries gimnazija)
Audronė Kuisytė-Zubkaitienė (Vilniaus Jono Pauliaus II gimnazija)
Loreta Mikutienė (Šiaulių Juventos progimnazija, Šiaulių J. Janonio gimnazija)
Aušra Niparaviečienė (Klaipėdos licėjus)
Agneta Sarafinaitė (Vilniaus Vytauto Didžiojo gimnazija, Vilniaus lopšelis – darželis Žolynėlis)
Angelija Vekterienė (Vilniaus Karoliniškių gimnazija)
Loreta Zinkevičienė (Turgelių Aistuvos gimnazija, Nacionalinė M. K. Čiurlionio menų mokykla)
The educational copyright programme for Lithuanian schools is implemented in cooperation between Meno Avilys and the Lithuanian Neighbouring Rights Association AGATA. The programme is funded by the Lithuanian Council for Culture.
Dovilė Alėbaitė
+370 618 12059