Stop-motion animated film, 12 min., estimated release 2023 m.
Screenwriters and directors Vykintas Labanauskas, Dominyka Adomaitytė
Producer Giedrė Burokaitė
Cinematographer Ondrej Nedved
Composer Dominyka Adomaitytė
A six-year-old girl revisits the memories of the last evening before her grandmother’s death with a feeling of guilt. At that time, she broke one of the glass elephant figurines from grandma’s collection and didn’t tell her. Thinking that this was the reason of granny’s departure, girl goes back to that evening in order to change the past and this way save the Grandmother. While walking in the memories, girl notice mysterious grandmother’s behavior which leads to the dreamy and surreal departure where a broken glass elephant takes the grandmother away. After the mysterious journey through memories, girl realizes, that it’s impossible to change the past and that she can only choose what to do in the present.